About Us
Our storyGeoEd has exisited in various guises and with different owners for over 25 years. In 2017 it was purchased by its current owners and moved to Scarborough in North Yorkshire, UK, where it operates alongside it's sister company Hidden Horizons. Since it's foundation the company has built up a catalogue of around 2000 replica fossils, creating moulds from collections around the world. Currently for all our replicas we use plaster of paris and water based dyes to create our high quality replicas. For many years the replicas were mainly used in education and in museum displays, and we are now excited to make them available to the wider world. Our aim is to eventually get all 2000 replicas onto this website, but it will be a long process! To get updates on new replicas being added make sure you keep an eye on our latest news.
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How it worksOnce you place your order with us we will make a start on creating your replicas. If you have given us any special requests or we have any issues we will get in touch with you. As each item is hand made it can take upto 30 days to create your replica, it is often much quicker than that, especially for smaller orders (for very complex or large orders it may take longer, we will let you know if this is the case) Once your order is ready to dispatch we will let you know and then package it up and arrange delivery. Once you receive your replica(s) we hope you love them and consider leaving us a review. If you have any questions about any stage of the process please get in touch.