Type species and subspecies 23 by 15 mm on an oval block. An internal mould of the dorsal surface of a fine complete head showing the general shape and the following features: left and right pharynx, the oblique groove dividing the head into the fields of the left and right pharynx, the oblique groove dividing the head into the fields of the left & right anterior coeloms, the gonoduct, the cavity of the dorsal lamella, the pleats in the left pharynx, the n2 palmar complex nerve canals and the olfactory cups. Part of the tail is attached showing the brain divided into prosencephalon and rhomencephalon. The counterpart of CCH 3.0A. From Traveusot, Ille et Vilaine, Brittany, France.
Size: 23 mm x 15 mm on a block 40 mm x 33 mm
Size: 23 mm x 15 mm on a block 40 mm x 33 mm